I thought I would send a small note and pictures of my kit. Through years of playing drums with aching elbows, strained muscles and age; I found my self researching how I could still achieve the enjoyment of playing. I took the knowledge of many and the skills I have built my own kit. The pictures show the workmanship and thought behind each piece of equipment . I wanted it light enough for moving around but strong enough to handle any punishment . I tried different cymbals but I found the Pintech PC Series cymbals, to not vibrate my arms to much. The mesh heads I use are triple play, as I will always have that rock drummer in me , even though with electronic you do not have to hit hard I use TD-6 for now, and a 6 channel mixer to control the output before it goes through the p.a. I use pedals ( plastic ones , cannot afford the better ones, ) for hi-hat controller, and another foot pedal for additional snare because sometimes my elbow will lock up . I have moved to x-hat style so that everything is in front of me instead of reaching cross hand . My toms have real skins on the bottom, so that my kit can become acoustical with a change of bass drum and snare. It took a while and still in development but I am getting use to playing live with electronic, and hopefully to keep playing for many more years. I went to a inner ear system so I can hear my drums, and that is mixed with all the other instruments in my band. I use, two 8” toms, 12 snare, 12 floor tom, 16” bass drum, 18 ride, 18” crash, 16” crash, 10” splash ( all Pintech cymbals).
My next step in developing will be to have wireless transmitters from each tom , cables are daunting.
– Scott Elliott